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Aspen Online Registration

Welcome to all our new North Middlesex families and students!  We are happy to have your student joining our district. 

Note:  If you are hoping to register as a prospective preschool student, please fill out the Prospective Student Waitlist Form and school staff will reach out to parent to let you know if space is available.  If space does become available, parents will be asked to fill out the longer online registration at that time.  

To register your student:

If you need assistance with the registration process or if you would like to cancel the registration, email or contact the applicable school.

  1. Make sure you are using a computer.  The account creation and online registration do not always work well using a phone or tablet.
  2. Go to the Aspen Login Page and either log in with your existing family portal account, for current families adding a student, or click on the "Request an account" link and fill out the requested information if your family is new to the district or do not currently have a family portal account.  New accounts will need to be confirmed by email.  
  3. Log into the Aspen Login Page using your email as the Login ID.
  4. In the column to the right, underneath "Start a new Online Registration", click the "Initiate" button.
  5. Fill out each tab of the registration form in order and click the "Next" button to proceed to the next tab.  

  6. If needed, click on the "Save & Close" button at the bottom of any tab to save the form, and return to complete it at another time.  To continue an existing form, log back into Aspen with the same account, locate the "Resume working on any Online Registration that has already been started" section, and click on the green check box to the right of the student's name.

  7. Documents can either be uploaded as PDF files or hard copies can be delivered to the school directly.  If providing hard copies of documents, the registration can be submitted prior to providing the documents.  
  8. If requesting a future start date that is also partially through a school year, such as a planned move to the district a few months out, please include this information in the notes or comments under the Submit tab.
  9. Once submitted, the school will review your registration form and they will reach out with questions or to notify you once the registration is complete. 
  10. If desired, you can separately apply for free and reduced school meals online or use the paper application to the right of this page.

Registration Forms

Contact Information

North Middlesex Regional High
19 Main Street
Townsend, MA 01469
Guidance Phone: 978-597-8196