Contact & Student Update
Student Information & Contact Update
We ask all district families to verify that our records regarding your student's information and approved contacts remain up-to-date with an annual update.
To verify and update your student's information:
If you need assistance with the registration process or if you would like to cancel the registration, email or contact the applicable school.
- You do not need to proceed if you: (a) newly registered within the previous six months and no changes have occurred, (b) filled out and submitted a paper based Emergency Contact Update form for this student and submitted it to the school within the previous six months and nothing has changed, or (c) filled out the Annual Student Update online in the past six months and nothing has changed.
- Log into the Aspen Login Page to access your family portal account, not your student's student account, using your email as the Login ID. If you need password assistance, use the I forgot my password link on the login screen for the fastest resolution. If you do not have an Aspen Family Portal account, please see the Aspen Family Portal page for information about requesting an account and answers to some frequently asked questions.
- In the column to the right, underneath Annual Student Update, click the Initiate button.
- Select the first student whose information you would like to update, and click the OK button
- Review the information in each tab of the Annual Student Update form and indicate changes where needed. Most changes are not entered directly. Describe desired changes in the box provided. If no changes are needed, you can leave the box empty.
- On the Family/Contacts tab, make sure to click on each contact name and verify that the information is correct or update it where needed. Pay particular attention to the Contact Questions.
- Documents can be uploaded as PDF files or hard copies can be delivered to the school directly. If providing hard copies of documents, the student update can be submitted prior to providing the documents. The Medication Permission form and Food Allergy Notification form can be found to the right on this page.
- If needed, click on the Save & Close button at the bottom of any tab to save the form, and return to complete it at another time. To continue an existing form, log back into Aspen with the same account, locate the Resume working on any Annual student Update that has already been started section, and click on the green check box to the right of the student's name.
- Once otherwise completed, make sure to go to the Submit tab and click on the Submit button. The school will not receive your update until this is done.
- Once submitted, the school will review your Annual Student Update form and they will reach out with questions if needed.
Annual Update Forms
Contact Information:
North Middlesex Regional High
19 Main Street
Townsend, MA 01469
Guidance Phone: 978-597-8196