Social Studies
The high school Social Studies curriculum is designed to teach and engage students in the history of the modern world, as well as in our own nation’s diverse cultural and political heritage. It is through the study of world and American history that students will work to recognize how our nation’s ideals and world-wide events have influenced the issues, institutions, and practices of the modern-day. We work to encourage our students to learn from past histories in order to better and fully engage in the world around them.
As freshmen, students will explore topics in World History, such as the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and the American and French Revolutions. The events leading to the adoption of the US Constitution will be introduced this year. Students will examine historical events, literature, art, and music, and will demonstrate their knowledge through independent research, collaboration, and projects.
Sophomores will take US History I exploring the beginnings of the nation through the Civil War and Reconstruction, with a focus on the issues that slowly divided the new nation. A major focus of this year is engaging students in the research paper process. Juniors will continue their study of history with US History II. In this course, students will dive into post-Civil War America, stressing the political, economic, cultural and social changes that defined America for the next century. Students in these classes will demonstrate their understanding through presentations, essays, projects, and examinations. It is in the Junior year Social Studies courses where students will be given the opportunity to work on their Civic Action Projects.
NMRHS adopted a chapter of the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society. Rho Kappa is the only national organization that celebrates and recognizes high school Juniors and Seniors for their excellence in Social Studies. The NMRHS chapter of Rho Kappa encourages students to demonstrate their academic and civic engagement through many different types of activities. Eligible students will receive their invitation to apply at the beginning of the school year.
All students are encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of electives offered in the Social Studies department. Popular electives offered include Sociology, Psychology, Justice and the Law, Economics and American Government & Politics. The Social Studies department also offers four Advanced Placement courses: AP U.S. History, AP Psychology, AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics.